

长期从事焊接冶金,金属材料的腐蚀防护、高熵合金熔覆层、增材制造等方面的研究。现任机械工程专业研究生第二党支部书记主持交叉科研探索项目,先进焊接连接国家重点实验室横向项目,入选北京市科学技术协会2023-2025年度青年人才托举工程参与国家973项目、国家国土资源部项目、国家自然科学基金等项目。以第一作者或通讯作者共发表SCI论文16篇,公开申请专利2项,出版专著1部,省部级科技进步一等奖1项。担任Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Materials & Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds等国际学术期刊审稿人。

I. 主要研究工作

1. 金属腐蚀防护

2. 焊接冶金接头腐蚀

3. 高熵合金熔覆技术

4. 增材制造技术。

II. 奖励与荣誉

1. 余建星,韩宇,冯岩,王华昆,余杨,李红涛,吴远达,高志明,傅一钦,王彩妹,冯志强,韩翔希,穆胜军,王吉会,段庆昊,新型一体化平台与管道系统结构优化和耐久性研究及应用,中国造船工程学会一等奖排名102019

III. 承担科研项目

1. 交叉探索项目激光-电弧复合高熵合金涂层宏观偏析抑制腐蚀机理研究项目号:BIPTCSF-013项目负责人,2021.1-2023.12

2. 2022年度先进焊接连接国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目:激光-电弧复合增材制造高熵合金元素偏析腐蚀性能研究AWJ-23M08项目负责人,2023.1-2024.12

3. 企业横向,项目负责人,2023.3-2024.1

IV. 代表性学术论文

1Caimei Wang, Ziqun Jiang, Xiaoyu Ma, Yu Zhang, Peng He, Feng Han, Effect of solid solution time on microstructure and corrosion property of wire arc additively manufactured 2319 aluminum alloy, Journal of Materials Reasearch and Technology, 26 (2023) 2749-2758.

2Caimei Wang, Qilong Guo, Xiaoteng Zhu, Peng He, Jianjun Zhang, Feng Han, Zhenggen Hu, Kaiming Liang, Hua Zhang, Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and property of linear friction welded TC17/TA15 titanium alloy joint, Materials Characterization, 199 (2023) 112799.

3Caimei Wang, Xiaoyu Ma, Hua Zhang, Yu Zhang, Feifan Wang, Baoyong Song, Chloride corrosion property evolution of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy coating, Materials Science and Technology, 2022

4Caimei Wang, Qilong Guo, Minghao Shao, Hua Zhang, Feifan Wang, Baoyong Song, Yajuan Ji, Huaixue Li, Microstructure and corrosion behavior of linear friction welded TA15 and TC17 dissimilar joint, Materials Characterization, 187 (2022) 111871.

5Caimei Wang, Yang Yu, Minghao Shao, Hua Zhang, Effect of Temperature on Corrosion Behavior of Laser-Remelted CrFeCoNi Coating, Metals, 2022.

6Caimei Wang, Yang Yu, Peng He, Jianjun Zhang, Xiaoyu Ma, Hua Zhang, Huizhao Li, Minghao Shao, Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of CrFeCoNi and CrMnFeCoNi Coatings in Salt Solution, Metals, 12 (2022) 1752.

7Caimei Wang, Yang Yu, Hua Zhang, Leixin Xu, Xiaoyu Ma, Feifan Wang, Baoyong Song, Microstructure and corrosion properties of laser remelted CrFeCoNi and CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloys coatings, Journal of Materials Research & Tcchnology, 15 (2021) 5187-5196.

8Caimei Wang, Jianxing Yu, Yang Yu*, Yan Zhao, Yu Zhang, Hanxiangxi, Comparison of the corrosion and passivity behavior between CrMnFeCoNi and CrFeCoNi coatings. Journal of Material Research and Technology, 2020, 9: 8482-8496

9Caimei Wang, Yang Yu*, Jianxing Yu, Yu Zhang, Fucheng Wang, Haoda Li, Effect of the macro-segregation on corrosion behavior of CrMnFeCoNi coating prepared by arc cladding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 846: 156263.

10Caimei Wang, Yang Yu*, Jianxing Yu, Yu Zhang. Microstructure evolution and corrosion behavior of dissimilar 304/430 stainless steel welded joints. Journal of Manufacturing processes, 2020, 50: 183-191

11Caimei Wang, Jianxing Yu, Yu Zhang, Yang Yu*, Phase evolution and solidification cracking sensibility in laser remelting treatment of the plasma-sprayed CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloy coating. Materials & Design, 2019, 182: 108040.

12Jianxing Yu, Caimei Wang*, Yang Yu, Qiwei Yuan, Yuna Tan, Zhiqiang Feng. Hot corrosion behavior of Y4Al2O9 ceramics for thermal barrier coatings exposed to calcium-magnesium-alumina-silicate at 1250°. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39(4): 1487-1495.

13Jianxing Yu, Caimei Wang*, Lei Guo, Yang Yu, Fuxing Ye, Muyu Li, Huakun Wang, Zhenglong Yang. Hot corrosion behavior of BaLa2Ti3O10 exposed to calcium-magnesium-alumina-silicate at elevated temperatures. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(9): 10220-10228.

14Jianxing Yu, Caimei Wang*, Lei Guo, Yang Yu, Yan Zhao, Qiwei Yuan, Huakun Wang, Zhiqiang Feng. Hot corrosion behavior of Ba2DyAlO5 exposed to calcium-magnesium-alumina-silicate at 1300°C and 1350°C. Vacuum, 2018, 155: 307-317.

15Wang Caimei, Guo Lei*, Ye Fuxing. LaPO4 as a toughening agent for rare earth zirconate ceramics. Materials & Design, 2016, 111: 389-393.

16Wang Caimei, Guo Lei*, Zhang Yu, Zhao Xiaoxiang, Ye Fuxing. Enhanced thermal expansion and fracture toughness of Sc2O3-doped Gd2Zr2O7 ceramics. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(9): 10730-10735.

V. 发明专利和软件著作权

1. 余杨,王彩妹,余建星,吴世博,海洋结构金属腐蚀机理及防护,天津大学出版社,2021

2. 余建星,王彩妹,余杨,王昭宇,赵岩,一种FeCoNiCrMn高熵合金涂层的制备方法,202010048446.7

3. 王彩妹,余建星,余杨,王华昆,一种高熵合金涂层的制备方法,201910436569.54.

VI. 招生信息

